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  2. Our Interactive Apps
  3. What Are Interactive Apps

What Are Interactive Apps

An Interactive App is a special type of component that is dedicated to setting up a particular type of Interactive Content, by having specific settings, as well as specific components. For example, a Personality Test will provide a setting to manage its questions, and another to add or remove personalities. And an Interactive Video will provide the Timed Container component, which is specific to the Interactive Video.

You can browse and add Interactive Apps via the Store Panel on the left sidebar of the Editor.

Tip: Did you know you could use apps inside of apps? This allows for very powerful combinations, such as using a Quiz inside of an Interactive Video.

Here’s A List Of Our Interactive Apps

  • Assessment
  • Input Form
  • Interactive Conversation
  • Interactive Flipbook
  • Interactive Video
  • Interactive Virtual Tour
  • Online Advent Calendar
  • Personality Test
  • Quiz
  • Recipe
  • Tapping Game
  • Test

Can’t Find What You Are Looking For?

Worry not.

Our Interactive Apps facilitate setting up certain types of Interactive Content, but the power of our Editor allows you to create any concept or experience you set your mind to.

And if you need help getting there, just contact support, and an Interactive Content expert will be right along to guide you and help you get to where you want to be.

Updated on June 26, 2023

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