Adding Content

What Content Can I Add?

If you are not familiar with what content you can add, start by checking out:

  • all available components
  • our Interactive Apps
  • template parts

Before Adding Content

  1. Navigate to the stage you wish to add content to
  2. toggle layout mode on to better see where you will add the content

Then check below on how to add different types of content.

Adding Basic Components

  1. On the left sidebar, open the Store Panel menu
  2. Click on Components at the top right corner
  3. Drag the component you want from the sidebar menu and drop it where you like

Adding Interactive Apps

  1. On the left sidebar, open the Store Panel menu
  2. Select the app you are interested in
  3. Preview and choose from one of the available app templates, or you can choose to start blank
  4. Whichever you choose, simply drag and drop it where you want it to be on the layout behind.

Adding Template Parts

  1. On the left sidebar, open the Parts menu
  2. Navigate and search available content
  3. Whichever you choose, simply drag and drop it where you want it to be on the layout behind

Copy and Pasting Content

Another way of adding content is of course by copying and pasting existing content.

How To Copy And Paste Content

Updated on June 26, 2023

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