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Page Privacy Settings (GDPR and cookies)

There are two privacy related settings you can setup:

  • Cookie bar
  • Privacy Settings

If you select Basic cookie bar, then when your page loads, a small bar will appear at the top of your page requesting consent for tracking the visitor accross multiple visits by setting a cookie.

If a visitor does not consent, then on every new session the visitor will be a new unknown user without any previous record of visitation or activity. If a user does consent, then both the consent and user visitation and activities are recorded.

If you are using personal data consent options to be for example GDPR compliant, you can then choose to present the personal data consent options already within the cookie bar, by selecting Combined with other consents. You can also select which consents language to use.

Privacy Settings

If you enable the privacy settings bar, then a small bar will appear at the very end of your page content, giving visitors access to manage their privacy settings at any time.

If you disable this feature, you can use the Open privacy settings action to still provide access to consent management. This is useful for example if you wish to have a customized footer with a “Manage consents” text button.

How To Manage Consents On Your Dashboard


If you do not enable any type of privacy settings, then a cookie will be automatically created to track the visitor accross visits, and no Consent management will be available for use when asking personal data from the user.

Legislation regarding online privacy varies from country to country, so make sure you are following the privacy requirements for your target audience.

Furthermore, bare in mind that if you embed content on your website, you should instead use your existing Consent management to refer to Dot.vu as a third-party data processor. In this case you should not enable these settings.

Updated on September 14, 2018

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