Page Settings A hub of settings such as how to present your page on social media, as well as adding external analytics tracking.
Presenting Your Page On Social Media You can configure how your page will look when shared on social media. Open the Page Settings Under the Presentation tab, type in...
Change Your Page Extension The extension of a page is simply the part of the page URL that identifies that page, like so...
Configuring Page SEO Settings You can configure how your page will look on search engine results. Important: only pages linked to a Custom Domain are...
Setup Tracking With External Analytics Addons Learn how to setup tracking with external analytics, such as Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager.
Channel Monitoring With Custom Tracking You can use Custom Tracking for when you want to also separately track Dot analytics per communication channel, including things like...
Page Privacy Settings (GDPR and cookies) There are two privacy related settings you can setup: Cookie bar Privacy Settings Using A Cookie Bar If you select Basic cookie...
Cookies and Consent In this article we cover what you need to know about Cookies and how to configure your project to match your needs, while remaining compliant with the data privacy legislation or guidelines applicable between you and your audience.
Go Offline Date You can set a date where your project will automatically go offline: Go into the Editor for your project Open...
When Offline Redirect To You can define a URL to redirect visitors when they land on a project that is offline, usually because it...